
Episode 3 -

Episode 3 - "The Energy Sources"

Difendi le fonti di Energia Pulita

Necrobots have accumulated enormous quantities of International nuclear waste in an illegal dump in the Province of Bari. The final goal of the Ecomafia is to provoke an atomic disaster to wipe out the proves of their worldwide illegal activities. A powerful army of Necrobots is guarding this area, a time bomb has been primed... To ward off this Evil Threat you must lead the Ecowarriors, find the 3 nuclear keys and prevent the Atomic Explosion!
Project developed for Regione Puglia.


Are you brave enough to save the world? If yes, Register, insert your credentials in the right column and click the image down here to download the game. At the end of the download run the file "EcoWarriors3.exe".

Minimum System Requirements


Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista
PC with 1000 MHz or sup processor
1 Gb Ram Memory
1,10 GB of free Hard-disk space
DirectX 9.0C (included)
128 MB Video Card DirectX 9.0c compatible
Audio Card compatible with Direct Sound
Keyboard and mouse

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